Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2nd meeting

it was on Monday, 18th September, where the 3 of us met together and discussed further about my proposal. There are several issues raised by the SVs, and the most important question thrown was: 'What do you want to do actually?'. And that question received quite detailed answer from me. But after that, they suggested that I should have focus, and not trying to do lots of things within a limited time.
They also wanted me to do lots of readings. Ok, a month is given. Then i must see them again with something.

This week, this is what I have been doing:
1. searched related journal articles as many as possible
2. borrowed 10 books from the library - they are mainly on research methodology, case studies, theoretical frameworks, genre, EAP, ESP.
3. bought a new set of PC and printer (that I'm using now), external HD, A4 papers and other stationery.
4. contacted 3 lecturers from FKMP and asked about their conduct of PSM. had discussions with them which I would then inform my SVs of the outcomes.

5. will be seeing the faculty PSM coordinator to discuss further about my project (set on Thursday, 22/9, 2.30p.m)
6. will report to my SVs of the discussion outcomes withe the coordinator.
7. will continue reading and reading and reading....

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